Sunday, 6 April 2008

Fried Rice Paradise

Took up my sayang's challenge to cook for dinner last night. She offered to guide me through the cooking but I declined the offer.
It's been ages ago since the last meal I'd cooked for myself, but I dun think I've lost the skill:)

So, here it special Fried Rice..hahahaha

How's the verdict? hmmm...let's just say that she didn't leave any rice grain behind! But I really dunno if that means if it's really delicious or just that she doesn't want to waste any as rice is expensive now...really a food for thought!

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

In Memoriam Ibrahim Bin Mahmood

Ibrahim Bin Mahmood 15th June 1968 - 2nd March 1988

Dear brother, I can still remember that day when you gave me your transitlink card to use. You said," Bro, you can use my card, I no longer using it."

I happily took it without knowing that you really meant it and went straight off to work. That night, when I called home to tell mum that I won't be back for dinner, I was shocked to hear dad cried at the end of the line..

Sure, we had fights like all brothers do and we're like total opposites...You're with your Mat Rock image..and I'm the quiet, nerdy one. But deep down inside me, you're the best friend I had..

Al-fatihah.. Semoga Allah S.W.T mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya dan mengampuni dosa-dosanya.Amin

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

I'm back

Gosh! how time's been ages since my last posting. Really need to improve my time management to update this blog more regularly...there have been too many significant moments just passed by without me putting it down in here...i.e getting my driving license on my birthday:-) and passing of a dear friend to cancer:-(

All this events really taught me that life is precious and should try to make the fullest of each day like its your last.

I'm very bad at keeping in touch with old friends.. I mean, really bad at it. Really wonder if my life is too busy that i can't even spare some time to catch up with them...

Hence, I was very surprised just now to receive an sms from an ex-client, she had left the company last year and returned back to her hometown and just wanted to say, I couldn't imagine myself doing that..We never even met each other before, only communicated thru phone and emails. She ever told me that I've got a trusting and friendly voice, is it meh? I dun think I'm all that..well, guessed all the telesales training really helped!